Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Task 2 - Background of Children in the Darkness

Point of View: The poet is trying to convey the message that war is harming the children in the countries involved in the war. The phrase“Or will a war consume them Their body and their soul” tells us that the author thinks that war is making the children learn the wrong things and thus consuming their soul. Situation and Setting: The situation is the Vietnam War. The author wrote this poem in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The author sees the harsh effects on war on the children of Vietnam. The children live in a “dark” place as they have to learn how to kill others unlike children in other countries who are living in a “bright” place as they learn how to read and dance. Language and Diction: In the first stanza, the author repeats “There are children in the darkness” The use of repetition emphasizes the effect that the children have a very “dark” and sad life. In the third stanza, “could we” is repeated. This emphasizes the fact that the children are very pitiful. The words “light” and “darkness” shows the contrasts between those children and the children in other countries. Personal Response: I personally pity the children in war-struck countries as they cannot live a normal life like children in other countries and I feel that we should do everything we can do help them.

Task 1 - Background of Children in the Darkness

Children in the Darkness There are children in the darkness Who have not seen the light There are children in the darkness Who someone will teach to fight Chalk and blackboards will not be To this door there is no key From this life they can not flee And these children are not free Could we simply light a candle Could we give them half a chance Could we teach them how to read Could we teach them how to dance Or will a war consume them Their body and their soul Will their life and blood be poured Down some endless thirsty hole Back into the darkness From which there is no flight Back into the darkness Into which there shines no light Henry M Bechtold 2010


I was in Vietnam in 1967 - 68 and again in 1969. I go back often because my soul lives in Vietnam and I go back to visit it from time to time. I was sitting in my hotel room in Saigon just before Christmas 2009 and I was trying to write a poem about the girls who work in the park and how badly men treat them. I was angry but unable to write anything that did not sound trite or weak. I looked at the TV and the news was on. I did not know what the news reader was saying but in the background was a photo of a small boy with a helmet and an automatic rifle. This poem flowed out. The words just came to me and I typed as fast as I could to get it all down.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yesterday was NPCC day. If any of you do not know, NPCC stands for National Police Cadet Corps. So, in order to make it in time for flag-raising, all of us had to fall in in full uniform at 6.30am. I woke up at about 5.30am on that day and i usually wake up at 6.10am. So, it was very difficult to get myself to stand up from the bed. After falling in, the NCOs (Non-commissioned officers) took our attendance and people started streaming in because they were late. They then arranged us with the tallest at the sides and the shortest in the middle. At about 7.10am, we went to the terraces and started falling in there. At about 7.15am, all the students and the band arrived. Soon after, we started singing the national anthem. We could not move during the whole period of time as the audience could see our every action. Thus, we had to endure any insects or inch that was bothering us. It took all of my perseverance to stand still the whole time we were singing the national anthem and taking the pledges. Why do i say "pledges"? It is because on that special occasion, NPCC cadets have to renounce their loyalty to the country by saying the NPCC pledge. Here's a link www.npcc.gov.sg/ourppl_song_pledge.htm
After that, we had to wear our full uniform around the school for the whole. It was truly a memorable experience for me :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Labour Day

Today was Labour day. As we all know, Labour Day is a public holiday celebrated every 1st of May. However, do we actually know what is the purpose of Labour Day (besides it being a public holiday) and how Labour Day originated? Well, I'll bet most of you don't. Thus, let me explain to you. Labour Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over the world that resulted from the labour union movement, to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. The majority of countries celebrate Labour Day on May 1, and it is popularly known as May Day and International Workers' Day, while some celebrate on the first Monday of September.The celebration of Labour Day has its origins in the Eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.
As you can see, Labour Day is a day to let the workers who have worked hard for the whole year to have a chance to rest. Thus, Labour Day may seem just as an ordinary holiday for us, but it is especially significant towards labourers as it celebrates their acheivements. I feel that labourers have worked hard over the year to make our life safer and more comfortable. They have very little holidays as compared to us students. Therefore, I think Labour Day is more of a break for the well-deserving labourers and not for us.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a Happy Labour Day. I think that we should use our Labour Day holiday to revise for our studies as we hardly get an public holiday.