Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yesterday was NPCC day. If any of you do not know, NPCC stands for National Police Cadet Corps. So, in order to make it in time for flag-raising, all of us had to fall in in full uniform at 6.30am. I woke up at about 5.30am on that day and i usually wake up at 6.10am. So, it was very difficult to get myself to stand up from the bed. After falling in, the NCOs (Non-commissioned officers) took our attendance and people started streaming in because they were late. They then arranged us with the tallest at the sides and the shortest in the middle. At about 7.10am, we went to the terraces and started falling in there. At about 7.15am, all the students and the band arrived. Soon after, we started singing the national anthem. We could not move during the whole period of time as the audience could see our every action. Thus, we had to endure any insects or inch that was bothering us. It took all of my perseverance to stand still the whole time we were singing the national anthem and taking the pledges. Why do i say "pledges"? It is because on that special occasion, NPCC cadets have to renounce their loyalty to the country by saying the NPCC pledge. Here's a link
After that, we had to wear our full uniform around the school for the whole. It was truly a memorable experience for me :)

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