Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Favourite Character in Village by the Sea

Who is your favourite character in the book village by the sea??? All of us will have a favourite character after reading a book. Most of the time, it will be the protagonist, in this case, Hari. However, my favourite character is not Hari, but Mr Panwallah. Many of you may wonder why Mr Panwallah. It is because Mr Panwallah has the right attitude towards things. He tells Hari that change is inevitable and we should always embrace change and not fear it. We should adapt to the changes in our life. Change is a very important theme in "The Village by the Sea" and Mr Panwallah is the 1st person to voice that out. He is also Hari's 1st friend in Bombay ( Jagu is more like Hari's employer, not friend). He encourages Hari during the time when Hari was in Bombay and teaches him a new skill -- watch mending too. Hari could then use these skills and work as a watch mender when the factory and housing colonies are built. Thus, Hari could earn money and support his family without depending on the sea or anything else when he returns to Thul.

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