Friday, June 19, 2009

I rather be the city rat than the couuntry rat

"I rather be the city rat than the couuntry rat". What does the terms city rat and country rat refer to? Well, city rats are those who live in the city, with technology which is more advanced and better medical care, but with a very busy and hectic lifestyle and has very little leisure time to spend with the family. The country rat are those who live in the small villages, "kampongs" and towns, normally located at the borders of the country. Their technology is not as advanced and their medical care is not as good, but they have more leisure time to spend with their family. So, if you use the book "Village by the Sea", country rats will be those living in Thul while city rats are those who live in Bombay. I rather be the city rat than the country rat. Although I have to live a very hectic and busy lifestyle and have very little leisure time, i would still want to be a city rat. Why? It is because I am 1 person who cannot live without technology. The medical care is also more readily available and efficient. For example, if you call for an ambulance in the city, it will takke 5 to 10 minutes at the very most, whereas if you call for an ambulance in the city, it would about half an hour to reach. By that time, the illness may worsen. There are also more job oppurnities in the city. The means of transport and communication is also more effective. Thus, I rather be the city rat than the couuntry rat. Which rat would you rather be? Please comment.


  1. I agree with you, but being a country rat may also have benefits like, not to worry about having too much stress from work and they may be healthier because of lesser pollution and stress.
