Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Interpersonal: Interview

I decide to interview my mother about her views on prejudice and discrimination. 1) Me: What is your definition of prejudice? Mum: Prejudice is the generalisation of a certain type of people and thus do not like them. 2) Me: Can you give me a example of prejudice? Mum: Prejudice can be found in Singapore. An example would be that Singaporeans do not like foreign workers as they work in the construction yard and are thought to be low-class. So when they see foreign workers, they tend to not go near and interact with them. 3) Me: What is your defination of discrimination? Mum: Discrimination is like people dislike a certain class of people and act out their dislike, such as not going near them etc. 4) Me: Can you give me a example of discrimitnation? Mum: Discrimination would be like the common people in Singapore discriminate against gays. Most Singaporeans think that gays are disgusting and should not interact with them. Singaporeans typically keep their family away from them as well. 5) Me: Is there any difference between prejudice and discrimination? Mum: I'm not sure if there is any difference, but I think that discrimination would be the action while prejudice is the thought. These two words are linked together very closely and I'm not sure if I explained the difference correctly.

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