Saturday, July 24, 2010

Visit to Peranakan Museum

Hi guys, this time i'm going to talk about my class's visit to the Peranakan Museum at Armenian Street which is near Bras Brasah and City Hall MRT. Anyway, let me get back to the rationale of going to the Peranakan Museum. Well, this term, my class is studying a text titled Emily Of Emerald Hill. This text is in line with the Peranakan as they characters in the text are Peranakan. They practice the culture of the Perankan. Thus understanding of the Perankan tradition, culture will help us more in understanding the text. Therefore, our language arts teacher, Miss Joyce Lim, arranged for us to take a trip to the Peranakan Museum. On that Tuesday afternoon, we left for the carpark in our school straight after class. Yes, we did not eat lunch (That was no problem as the trip to the Peranakan Museum was a short one). Back to the story, Miss Lim gave out some worksheets on the bus which our class grumbled and complained about. When we reached the Peranakan Museum, We stuffed our bags in 2 lockers and went on the complete the worksheet. Luckily, the kind receptionists at the Peranakan Museum provided us with a clipboard. Thus, we started exploring the Peranakan Museum which was 3 stories high and contained everything there was to know about the Peranakans. We visited a room with a video on the history of the Perankans which was very interesting. After that, we went upstairs to view the rest of the galleries. There were galleries such as the weddings and the food. They were all very interesting. I had a interesting time there and i would definitely recommend you to go to the Perankan Museum.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that you should elaborate more on what you saw so that those who did not go to the museum can experience what we experienced :)
