Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Brisbane trip - 2nd day

Today was basically just us and the host. So in the morning, we ate some cereal for breakfast. I did not really like it as it was flavourless, unlike the ones in Singapore. So, after breakfast, my host asked us if we wanted to go shopping or to the countryside. Since the city would be similar to Singapore, my friend and I opted for the countryside. We took a one-and-a-half-hour ride to Toowoomba. During the ride, I manage to finish reading a book. :) Once we reached Toowoomba, it was freezing due to the rain and i immediately regretted not bringing a jacket there. Firstly, we attempted to try to find our host's friend's house, but we failed. Then, we said that we were hungry and the host brought us to a old english pub to have our meals. I ordered the chicken kier. It was wonderful and one of the best foods I have ever tasted. When I sliced open the chicken, butter with garlic flowed out like a river. The butter was melted and the chicken was hollowed out in the middle to let the butter have space. At first, I thought that butter was lemon sauce because I never imagined that butter would be like this. I took a bite and it turned out to be very nice. The fries were also very crispy, alot better than Singapore's. After lunch, we went to play snooker while we waited for the rain to stop. I lost to the host due to my inexperience. :P After a nice lunch, we went home because we had to attend church at 4.30pm. The church had a live band playing christian tunes and I was very impressed by it. We had fruit salad for dinner and I was left hungry for the night. :(


As you all know, I had to go the Brisbane for an exchange programme. We reached Brisbane at about 7.30 am. After that, we went to collect out luggage, but there was some problem with the baggae system and our luggage did'nt move. After like 15 minutes, the luggage moved and I was able to collect my luggage(19.8 kg). Then we went out to meet some of our hosts. The teachers Mr G. and Mrs Mills were all very friendly and the students were very initiative as well. After leaving the airport, we went to this place called Mount Cootha. We were supposed to be able to see the whole of Brisbane from there, but unfortunately, it was raining so we had to hide in the souveinir shop until the rain stopped. I also found out that the Australian stuff were very expensive and so, I did not buy any souveinirs. My apologies. So we went out once the rain stopped, but there was a mist so we could not really see anything. After that, we went on a boat ride called city sights. It was supposed to bring us around the city and the interesting sights. But, it was very boring and I fell asleep (I was not the only one). After the bus ride, we went on a boat ride and it was very nice. The wind was blowing very fast and when it starting raining, the raindrops were like machine gun bullets. After the boat ride, we went for lunch. After lunch, we met our respective hosts and went to the host's house. It was a 2-to-1 homestay, so i played with my laptop and my friend read his book. We had lamp roast for dinner and it was very nice. :D

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Interpersonal: Interview

I decide to interview my mother about her views on prejudice and discrimination. 1) Me: What is your definition of prejudice? Mum: Prejudice is the generalisation of a certain type of people and thus do not like them. 2) Me: Can you give me a example of prejudice? Mum: Prejudice can be found in Singapore. An example would be that Singaporeans do not like foreign workers as they work in the construction yard and are thought to be low-class. So when they see foreign workers, they tend to not go near and interact with them. 3) Me: What is your defination of discrimination? Mum: Discrimination is like people dislike a certain class of people and act out their dislike, such as not going near them etc. 4) Me: Can you give me a example of discrimitnation? Mum: Discrimination would be like the common people in Singapore discriminate against gays. Most Singaporeans think that gays are disgusting and should not interact with them. Singaporeans typically keep their family away from them as well. 5) Me: Is there any difference between prejudice and discrimination? Mum: I'm not sure if there is any difference, but I think that discrimination would be the action while prejudice is the thought. These two words are linked together very closely and I'm not sure if I explained the difference correctly.

Naturalist: Mockingbird's habitat

The mockingbird's habitat is in open country with thickets, farmland and desert brush. They live in places ranging from the Canadian border down through South America. I think that the mocking birds live in Maycomb due to the fact that it is very similar to their natural habitat. Mocking bird do not like people to desturb their nests and Maycomb is no densely populated. This explains why mockingbirds would want to live in Maycomb. Maycomb is a argicultural country, thus there is a lot of farmland, which is similar to their natural habitat. Some animals that can live in Maycomb would be the racoon and squirrel. They can live in Maycomb as Maycomb has a lot of trees and there is a lot of plants for the animals to feed on. Maycomb is not a urbanized country and thus almost any type of small animal can be found there. I think most, if not all tropical plants could be found in Maycomb. This is because the Maycomb is an agricultural country and is not very developed and urbanised yet. This also means that Maycomb has thick dense forests. Maycomb receives alot of sunshine throughtout the year, this will enable more types of plants to survive. Maycomb also has alot of water due to the amount of rainfall they receive. So, most tropical plants will survive in Maycomb.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Multiple intelligence quiz

As you can see, I am a interpersonal and naturalistic person. This means that I learn best when doing work with others and outdoors. However, I am not a logical and linguistic learner. This means that I do not learn well with words and numbers. I feel that the Multiple Intelligences test is very useful as it allows people to know how they learn best. Thus, people would not have to put themselves at an disadvantage as they will know how they will learn best. This test is also free. Thus, it will be accessible to everyone. However, there are a few disadvantages to this test. A disadvantage would be that some people would lie during the test and thus will not get accurate results. Another disadvantage would be that there are not enough questions to really determine a person's learning abilities. An example would be that for the interpersonal type of questions, it did not cover all the fields involving people.